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COOPER Thompson a:e r|k:on (e) (2)
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COOPER, Thompson
COOPER, Charles Henry and, Thompson
Author: COOPER (Thompson)
e R COOPER (Thompson). 3v See COOPER (C1ar1ea E.) nd (Thompson). Athenae Cantabrienses, Cwnbrldge, 1858_1913.
Card ID: 222
Author: COOPER (Charles Henry) and (Thompson)
co COOPER (Charles Henry) and (Thompson). Athense Cantabrigienses. 3 vols. [Dc ii.1 8°. Cambri, 1858—1913. A letter from C.H.Coqper to Augustus De Morgan is inserted inVol._1. 1. 15oo—185. 1858. 2. 1586—1609. 1861. 3. 1609—1611. With additions and corrections to the previous volumes...and also a new and complete index to the whole work by G,J.Gray. 1913. [SEE NEXT CARD.3
Card ID: 20