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COOPER Joseph a:an joseph|k:in (joseph) (8)



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    Author: COOPER (Joseph)


    Ci COOPER (Joseph), of Vlalthamstow. Turkey and Egypt, past and present, in relation to Africa. . .With an appendix on consular reports concerning slavery and the slave— trade throughout the Ottoman Empire, by A.u?acott. pp. 28. $.R.3 8°. London, 1876. Bound in a volume lettered: Pamph1et on the Eastern question.

    Card ID: 149

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    Author: WALKER (Joseph Cooper)


    qL1c WALKER (Joseph Cooper). An Historical.and critical essay on the revival of the drama in Italy. pp. 16 + 72 + 4O + 6. Portraits, 1ate and.JJstrations.. 8°. Edinbur and Ldo, 1805..

    Card ID: 231

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    Author: CER (Joseph Cooper)


    WAL!CER (Joseph Cooper). Historical memoir on Italian tragedy, from the earliest period to the present time; illustrated with specimens and analyses of the most celebrated tragedies...ancl. biographical notices of the principal tragic writers of Italy. By a member of the Arcadian Academy of Rome [Eubante Tirinio, i.e. J.C.Walkerj. pp. viii. + 338 + lxvi. rontispiece. 11.1.] 4. London, 1799.

    Card ID: 232

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    Author: LODGE (Sir Oliver Joseph)


    DEPOSITOM’ LODGE (Sir Oliver Joseph). COOPER CBS.1) The Philosophy of Sir Oliver Lodge, . Nashville, 1934.

    Card ID: 277

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    Author: PRIESPLEY (Joseph)


    PRIESPLEY (Joseph) LL. D. Memoirs of 3. Priest].oy to the year 1795 written by hirn8elf, with a continuation ...-by his son 3. Prieetloy, and oberv.tions -on his viritigs by T. Cooper and W. ChriBtie. pp. v.÷ 481. [J.I.J B? London, 1806. [Another copy.] (An appeiia.iz to Cooper’s Memoirs of Priestley, containing a review of Dr. Priestley’s theo1ogioi1 philosophical worics. By T.Christie.) 2. vole. The pagination j 8Q. LOndOn, 1806...

    Card ID: 459

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    Author: No Author available


    ) iLoJ:i. aj f CH!ISTIE (Thornae). see PRI1STLIY (J.), LL.D. Menoirs o Dr. Joseph Priestley to the yeir 1795, ote. (An appendix to Cooper’s Memoirs of Priestley, containing a review of Dr. Priestley’s theological & philosophical wor1s. By T.Christie.) Lond.on, 1806.

    Card ID: 57

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    Author: No Author available


    (Div - .•. L)i. 1C2(. COOPER (Joseph Harry). The Relative reactivties of aldehydes and ketones: a dissertation submitted to... (the University of Chicago) for the degree of Doctor of. Philosophy. . .1937. ii. leaves + pp. 29. Tables. 8°. Chicago, 1939. Typescript facsirnil

    Card ID: 150

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    Author: No Author available


    ik ‘lb L1.. COOPER (Hyman). The Responsa of Rabbi Joseph ibn Leb: a study ±n the religious, social and ecoflomic conditions of the Jewish communities within the Ottoman Empire during the si±teenth— seventeenth centuries. [With a bibliography. typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D. of the University of London in 1964.] (11) + vii ÷ 561 leaves. 4° 1964.

    Card ID: 99