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COOKE Edward William a:on william|k:it (william) (4)



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    Author: COOKE (Edward William)


    COOKE (Edward William). Seven drawings of t,ondon Bridge. London, 1913. §.i LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, .j Lond Topographical Society. (Pub’ications.] 27, 29, 33.

    Card ID: 291

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. [iii.] London Topographical Society. [Publications.] [Continued.] M.p C4L(jc(Ca Criie 113. COOKE (Edward William). Old and new London Bridge: (L.-r s.) a selection of drawings reproduced from originals in the possession of the Guildhall Art Gallery. 1970. 114. LANGLEY (Edward) and BELCH (William). Langley & Belch’s New map or London, 1812. 1971. See Nap catalogue: ENGLAND. Counties. LONDON. 1:16,896. i8i. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 157

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    Author: No Author available


    7L c!S WILLIAM I., called the Conqueror, King of England. A Seasonable treatise wherein is proved that King William, commonly call’d the Conqueror, did not get the imperial crown of England by the sword, but by the election and consent of the people. [By Edward Cooke.] pp. (10) + clxiv. Frontispiece. IL. I.] 80. London, 1689. This is a duplicate of the “Argtmientum Anti—Normannici& in all but title-page, frontispiece and eanation of the frontispiece”. -.

    Card ID: 270

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    Author: No Author available


    2. rçc.Q. Drj DUGDALE (Sir William), Garter Kirg of Arms. Origizies juridiciales, etc. fcontinued.j •——Chronioa Juridicialia; or, an Abridgment and continuation of Dugdale’s Origines juridicialia, containing a calendar of the years of our Lord God, and of the reigns of the Kings of the...ear 1739... tBy Edward Cooke, of the Middle Temple. J The second edition, enlarged. (Appendix.) 2 parts in 1 vol. [i..I.) 8°. London, 1739. The first part consists of the original (1685) [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 416