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COOK Sir Francis a:p |k:p (will) (2)
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COOK, Sir Francis
Author: COOK (Sir Francis)
COOK (Sir Francis), Bert. Catalogue of an important collection of Greek, Roman and Etruecan antiquities and antique and Renaissance gems, the property of H. W.Cook... being a portion of the...collection formed by... Sir F. Cook, Bert., which will be sold by auction by Messrs Christie, Maneon and Woods... on JuJy 14, 1925, e. pp. 74. Plates. 80. [London, )925.J
Card ID: 93
COOK (Sir Francis) • Bart, Catalogue of an important collection of objects of art of the middle ages and Renaissance, the property of i{. W. Cook... being a portion of the celebrated collection formed by the late Sir P. Oook Bart., which will be so] by auction b Messrs Christie, Manson and Woods...on...JuJj 7, l92, etc. pp. 99. ].ates. 8. [)ndon, l92.]
Card ID: 94