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CONNOR John a:john john|k:to (john) (3)
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CONNOR, DarIel John
CONNOR, John Horns
Author: CONNOR (John)
TERLIHG LIBRARY LLULL Lod’” Pt&s REFERENCE OPJLY O’CONNOR (John), Illustrator. See WHITFIELD (Christopher). Together and Alone: two short novels...With engravings by J. O’Coimor. Golden Cockerel Press: [London], 1945.
Card ID: 487
Author: CONNOR (DarIel John)
O’CONNOR (DarIel John). Philosophy, language and scepticism: inaugural address delivered in Pietermaritzburg on 6th October, 1949. pp. (2) + 15. 3o. Pietermaritzbur, 1949.
Card ID: 450
Author: CONNOR (John Horns)
O’CONNOR (John Horns). Modern materialism: readings on mind—body identity. [By various authors.] Edited by 3. O’Connor, etc. pp. 289. New York, 1969. THIS WORK IS NOT U’! THE LILRARt Any rc’dcr knu’in at copy toe &1 it as!ed to inform ib: Ljbrrinn.
Card ID: 489