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CONAN Arthur Robert a:on robert|k:an (robert) (3)



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    Author: CONAN (Arthur Robert)


    CONAN (Arthur Robert). The Rationale of the sterling area texts and commentary. pp. (8) + 13. Tables. 8°. Iondon and Mew York, 1961.

    Card ID: 440

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    Author: CONAN (Arthur Robert)


    bEpOSITo : CONAN (Arthur Robert). The Changing pattern of international investment in selected sterling countries. pp. 20. Tables. Princeton, 1956. See PRINCETON (NEW JERSEY). Princeton University. Department of Economics and Social Institutions. IternationaYFinance Section. Essays in international finance, 27.

    Card ID: 439

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    Author: No Author available


    ‘U1)3 AAI3. ‘L :: ‘(0 17. NORDON (Pierre). Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: DC€Q l’homcne et ].‘c,uvre. [196k-). 18. MAtTROCORDRTO (Alexandre), Prince. La Critique olassique en Angleterre de MW la Restauration h is mort de aoseph Addison. 196+. 19. SIMON (Jean Robert). Robert Burton, 1577— 16+O, et L’Anatomje do l41ancolie. i96. 20. GONAUD (Maurice). Individu et société dans i’oeuvre de Ralph Waldo Emerson: essai de biographie spirituelle. 1964. [sEE NEXT CARD .)

    Card ID: 226