
Search Term (count):

CON Sir Nicholas a:on nicholas|k:an (nicholas) (4)



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    Author: CON (Sir Nicholas)


    IGCG B!CON (Sir Nicholas). Sir Nicholas Bacai’ s great house sententiae. (CoUectic i of classical stentiae originaily chosen by Sir Nicholas con for his lcig llezy at Goztaznbury and subsequently sent to Jane, Lar Lunley, in a manuscript, now British Museimi Manuscript Royal 17A xxIXI.) The Latin text along with the fir8t English translation, and introduction, notes and bibliography by Elizabeth McCutcheon. (Englith Literazy Renaissance Supplements , 3.) pp. 58. Bibi., illus. and facsim. (nonolulul, 1977.

    Card ID: 487

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    Author: No Author available


    7O,Lr2 NICHOLAS II, )ntperor of Russia. ALECANDRA FEODOROVNA, 1press Con • sort of Nicholas II,jmperor of Russia. Letters of the Tsaritsa to the Tsar 191L1. — 1916. With an intr duction by Sir Bernard Pares. 1923. Temporary Catalogue Entry

    Card ID: 48

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    Author: QN (Elizabeth)


    KKG McCITrCH3QN (Elizabeth). See BON (Sir Nicholas). Sir Nicholas Bacon’ a great house seitentiae. (CoU.ection of classical sentitiae origina].].y chosen by Sir Nicholas con for his lQ2g gallery at Gorhambury end siisequent)y sent to June, Lady Li.suley, in a nanuscript, no’i British Musein Manuscript Royal 17A ocuI.) The Latin text alg with the first English translation, and. introduction, notes and bib1iograplr by Elizabeth McCuttheon. [Holu1u3, 1917.

    Card ID: 467

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    Author: BACON (Anthony)


    -ooiv - BACON (Anthony), Son of Sir Nicholas con. See ALVOR (Peter). Die Isimg des Shakespeare-Problems. [Attributing Shakespeare’s plays to AnthoW Bacon.) Munich and Leipzig, 1911.

    Card ID: 541