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COMMAGER Henry Steele a:l henry|k:l (henry) (4)
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COMMAGER, Henry Steele
Author: COMMAGER (Henry Steele)
t F F’Ij_ COMMAGER (Henry Steele), America in perspective. 4Abridged. The United States through foreign eyes. [By various authors.] Edited, with an introduction and notes by H.S.Commager. (Mentor Boojç, 13O.) pp. 223. 8°. [New York], 1954.
Card ID: 549
folio 33 NEA Ccsn COMMAGER (Henry Steele). The American destiny: an illustrated bicentennial history of the United States. [By various authors.] Editor In chief, Henry Steele Com.ger. Editors, Marcus Cunliffe, Naldwyn A. Jones, Edward Horton. 20 vols. Bible. [New York], 1975_76. 2’. A New world to conquer. l975— €2. The War of Independence, l975.— L. The New nation. l975.- LI. The Pnericaii character. 1976. Manifest destiny. 1976. a—.. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 550
COMMAGER (Henry Steele). Theodore Parker, çSecond edition.) [With a bibliography.] pp. vU.i. + 339. Poxtraits and plates. 8°. oston [ss.], 1947.
Card ID: 554
COMMAGER (Henry Steele), the Younger. See COMMAGER (Steele).
Card ID: 557