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COMINES Philippe de a:s j c|k:c(’c) (8)
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COMINES, Philippe de
Author: COMINES (Philippe de)
Co1 R+reitc 0a COMINES (Philippe de), Seigrzeur d’Argenton. (Mbznoires.J Mêmoirea de Philippe de Comznynes. Nouvelle &dition publibe avec uric introduction et des notes d’apx4s un inanuscrit inédit et cornplet...par B. de Mandrot. Paris, 1901-03. See COLLECTION. Collection do textes, etc. No. 33, 36.
Card ID: 460
C4c COMINES (Philippe de), Seigneur d’Argenon. [M&ioires . —English.] The f{istorie of Philip de Coriunines. [Translated from the French by T.Danett.J (The life of Philip de Commines, pp. (16) + 364. Genealogical tables. fol. Ar .f!atfil4_fpr 1. 4orton: London, 1 6oi The titlepge has . woodcut border. With some maginal annotations in a 17th century hand and a transcription on the flyleaf of ‘Te ultimum vale or last farewell of Thomas Earle of StrafCor”. This poeni, which was not by Strafford, wasprintedas a broadside in 1641 (Brit. Mus.Lutt. II. 211.)
Card ID: 463
COMINES (Philippe de), Seigneur d”Argenton . 1JM4rioiresngiish. J The History of Comines, Englished by T. Danett, ano 1596. With an introduction by C. VIhibley. 2. vol s. London, 1897. HENLEY (w. E.) The Tudor trans1tions, etc. Vois. 17—18.
Card ID: 466
COM Duf COMINES (Philippe de), Seiieur d’Arenton. [Mmoires. - Appendix.) See DIJFOURNET (Jean). La Destruction des my-thea dana lea Mmoirea de Ph. de Commynes. 3. Geneva, 1966.
Card ID: 467
COMINES (Philippe de) Seigneur d’ArgentQ. See CHARLIER (Gustave). C ommyn e s. Busse1s, 19+5.
Card ID: 469
NSF’tJ COM Duf COMINES (Philippe de), Seiur Argnton. See uoum (Jean). La Vie de Philippe de Cornrnynes, etc. Paris, 1969.
Card ID: 470
c COMINES (Philippe de), Seigneur d’Argenton. See PIERVILLE (Charles). Documents in4dits sur Philippe de . Commynes. Paris, 1881.
Card ID: 472
COMINES (Philippe de), Seigneur d’Argentn. See NEFF (W.B.). The ‘Moral’ language of Philippe de Comuynes, etc. Columbia. Missouri?], 1937.
Card ID: 473