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COLLIER John Payne a:by james john|k:to (john) (5)
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COLLIER, John Payne
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Author: COLLIER (John Payne)
COLLIER (John Payne). [Reprints of miscellaneous tracts of the time of Elizabeth and James I. Continued:) Each part has an introduction signed J.P.C.L i.e John Payne Collier, and was pblished separately, the wrappers bearie words 9iseellaneous Tracts Temp. Eliz. & Jac.I.’ The order in which they have been bound is not thø order in which tiie were issued.
Card ID: 35
[3 COLLIER (John Payne). - [Reprints of miscellaneous tracts of the time of Elizabeth and James I. [CONTINUED.] III.PoStubbes’ The Anatomic of eizueos, 1583; A ]?rve coppie of a discourse written by a Gentleman employed in the. late voyage of Spaine Sand Portingale, 1589; W.3asse’s Pastorals, 1653; E.Goulpin’s Skialetheja, 1598; S.Rowland’s Hvmors looking glasse, 1608; S.Rowland’s Good newes and bad newes, 1622. [See next card.]
Card ID: 34
Author: No Author available
- Soc [cok\’es LYRICS. Lyrics for old lutenists in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I: being spectmens of the words of airs (by Thomas Campion, Thomas Morley, Philip Rosseter, Michael East, Richard Alison, Thomas Ravenscroft John Benner [and] Thomas Forde), etc. [Selected and edited by T.Payne CoUieF9 See COLLIER (John Payne). Illustrations of early English popular literature. Vol. 1. London, privately printed, 1863.
Card ID: 403
-V r>o I--- ‘ 0 . LL. FERRIS (Richard). The Most dangerous and memorable aduenture of Richard Ferrjs..,who vndertooke in a small wherry boate, to rowe by sea to the Citie of Bristowe, (A new sonnet made vppon the arriuall...of, etc. IBy] James Saz’gent). 1590. — See COLLIER (John Payne). Il1ustritions of early English popular literature. Vol. 2. London, privately printed, 18614.
Card ID: 435
z COLLIER .(John Payne). Illustrations of early English ponilar literature, i&.ontinued.J A newe enterlude of godly queene Hester, 1561; The complaynte of them that ben to late maryed, by Pierre Gringore, translated by Robert Copiand, 1505?; The censure of a loyall subject, by Geoge Whetstone, 1587; Lyrics for old lutenists, temp. Elizabeth and James 1; Two murders (Calverley and Browne), 1605; A complainte of the church, 1562. Vol. 2. Report of Commissioners regarding printers and stationers, j.,l58)+; Travels of Sir Anthony Sh’1nv by William Parry, 1601; L8EE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 15