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COLLIER John Payne a:an john thomas|k:thomas (for) (51)



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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    COLLIER (John Payne). Bull of Pope Innooent VIII. on the marriage of Henry VII. with Elizabeth of Yör3. Ootirnioated by J. P. Collier. tLonconJ, 1847. ee LOIDOT. [III. Misceileneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Oamden Society. [Publications.] - Old Series, 39. The Cazden 1,soel1aoy. Vol. I. V

    Card ID: 7

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    COLLIER (John Payne). A Few odds and ends for cheerful friends, etc. [in verse. By J.P.C[oilie?J.] [London], printed for private circulation, 1870. C., J.P.

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    • ‘--v COLLIER (John Payne). SCf Five miracle plays, or Scriptural dramas. Privately printed under the care of [and with introductions by] J.P.Collier. 5 parts inivol. 0 8 . London, privately printed, i86. :- The Salfice obr, Howin9.? Hell, ç_4jn of the )perds, The of the Virg, The Ay&itiehri&. Onl25 copj 4v.+ ‘‘p

    Card ID: 12

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    COLLIER (John Payne). Illustrations of early English popular 1iterature etc. [Continued.] A confutation of Anabaptistieal opinion, by Edmund Becke, 1550; The tyde taryeth no man (a comedy), by George Wapull, 1576; Voyage of Richard Ferris to Bristol, 1590; Broadsides of speeches, etc. to General Monck, 1660; Look on me tondon, by Richard Johnson, 1613; Sword anc buckler, by William Basse, 1602; A good speed to Virginia, by Robert Gray, 1609; Copies of loveletters, 1580; The pleasant walkes of Moore—fields, by Bichard Johnson, 1607; Verses by Clinton,Ptirser and Arnold to their countrymen, 1583.

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    O ICoc’ COLLIER (John Payne). Illustrations of old English literature, etc. LContinued. J ‘101. 2. Pancharis, by Hugh Holland, 1603; Horestes, an Interlude, by John Pikeryng, 1567; The Preservation of’ Henry VII, 1599; Reformation of rebellion, 1598, and Shore’s wife, 1593; Seven Deadly Sins of London, by Thomas Dekker, 1606; Loves Court of Conscience, by Humfrey Crouch, 1637; William Longbeard, by Thomas Lodge, 1593; The Triumph of Truth, by Thomas Proctor, 1585. Ls NEXT CARD.)

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    COLLIER (John Payne). Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, eta, London, 1841. See ]1OTDOIT. [III. 1iZisoe11neous Intitutioue,Sooieties, oto.] Sbake’ieare ooiety. [Pub1ioatioNo. U

    Card ID: 21

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    :l, COLLIER (John Payne). New facts regarding the life of Shakespeare, in a letter to T.Amyot...fron J.P.Coflier. pp. 55. 8°. d, 1835.

    Card ID: 23

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    COLLIER (John Payne). New particulars regarding the works of Shakespeare. In a letter to the Rev. A. Dyce. pp. 68. 0 8 . L4on, 1836.

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    o COLLIER (John Payne). Notes and emendations to the text of Shakespeare’s plays, from early manuscript corrections n a copy of the folio, 1652, in the possessioi of J.Payne Collier, forming a supplemental volume to the works of Shakespeare by the same editor, in eight volumes, octavo. pp. xxvi. + 512. Facsimile. 8°. Pijnted for The Sha1ces’oere Societ LQndn, 1852. Afterwards withdrawn from the Spcjety ublications [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 25

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    Author: COLLIER (john Payne)


    C 1CL) c] COLLIER (John Payne). Old ballads from early printed copies...edited by J. P. Collier. — Pain and sorrow of evil marriage. Edited by J. P. Collier. — The King and a poor northern man. Edited by J. P. Collier. London, 1840—41. See LONDOIT. (iii. Miscellaneous Institutions, Soeietes, j.) Pçrey sciey. Early English ballads, . Vol. 1.

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    [3 COLLIER (John Payne). - [Reprints of miscellaneous tracts of the time of Elizabeth and James I. [CONTINUED.] III.PoStubbes’ The Anatomic of eizueos, 1583; A ]?rve coppie of a discourse written by a Gentleman employed in the. late voyage of Spaine Sand Portingale, 1589; W.3asse’s Pastorals, 1653; E.Goulpin’s Skialetheja, 1598; S.Rowland’s Hvmors looking glasse, 1608; S.Rowland’s Good newes and bad newes, 1622. [See next card.]

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    COLLIER (John Payne). [Reprints of miscellaneous tracts of the time of Elizabeth and James I. Continued:) Each part has an introduction signed J.P.C.L i.e John Payne Collier, and was pblished separately, the wrappers bearie words 9iseellaneous Tracts Temp. Eliz. & Jac.I.’ The order in which they have been bound is not thø order in which tiie were issued.

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