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COLLIER John a:p john|k:to (john) (67)



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    Author: COLLIER (John)


    COLLIER (John), Novelist. See COLLIER (Jobii H • N.)

    Card ID: 578

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    Author: COLLIER (John)


    COLLIER (John), of Urmston, commonly called TIM BOBBIN. The Miscellaneous works of Tim Bobbin, containing his view of the Lancashire dialect, etc. London, [. 1780]. BOBBIN (T.), iseud. [I.e. J. COLLIER.]

    Card ID: 580

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    Author: COLLIER (John)


    folio 33 KSL Cal COLLIER (John), Preaident, Institute of fthnic Affairs, Washington. Patterns and cerernonials of the Indians of the Southwest. With over 100 lithographs and drawings by Ira Moskowitz • Text by John Coilier. With an introduction by Jol’ji Sloan. pp192 New York) l949. No.997 of JJi7 copies printed and signed by the authors. (Revised edition.) American Indian ceremonial dances. Navajo, Pueblo, Apache, Zuni. Drawings, lithographs and. etchings by Ira Moskaitz. Text by John Collier. Introduction by John Sloan. With a p rry L. Shapiro. pp.12. New York, 1972.

    Card ID: 582

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    Author: COLLIER (John Henry Noyes)


    STERLING LIBRARY LSJ — REFERENCE ONLY COLLIER (John Henry Noyes). An Epistle to a rriend...Frontispiece by H. Kapp. pp. 12. 80. •ysses Press: London, 1932. Edition limited to 106 copies. o. 7 or 7 copies, signed by the author and illustrator, each containiga page of the oriina1 inanuscriot.

    Card ID: 587

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    Author: COLLIER (John Menry Noyes)


    L91 COLLIER (John Menry Noyes). AU’b. S3e AtJBREY (John). [Lives.) The Scandal and credulities of John Aubrey. [Selected Lives.) dited by J.Collier, etc. London, 1931.

    Card ID: 594

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    COLLIER (John Payne). Bull of Pope Innooent VIII. on the marriage of Henry VII. with Elizabeth of Yör3. Ootirnioated by J. P. Collier. tLonconJ, 1847. ee LOIDOT. [III. Misceileneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Oamden Society. [Publications.] - Old Series, 39. The Cazden 1,soel1aoy. Vol. I. V

    Card ID: 7

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    COLLIER (John Payne). A Few odds and ends for cheerful friends, etc. [in verse. By J.P.C[oilie?J.] [London], printed for private circulation, 1870. C., J.P.

    Card ID: 11

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    • ‘--v COLLIER (John Payne). SCf Five miracle plays, or Scriptural dramas. Privately printed under the care of [and with introductions by] J.P.Collier. 5 parts inivol. 0 8 . London, privately printed, i86. :- The Salfice obr, Howin9.? Hell, ç_4jn of the )perds, The of the Virg, The Ay&itiehri&. Onl25 copj 4v.+ ‘‘p

    Card ID: 12

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    COLLIER (John Payne). Illustrations of early English popular 1iterature etc. [Continued.] A confutation of Anabaptistieal opinion, by Edmund Becke, 1550; The tyde taryeth no man (a comedy), by George Wapull, 1576; Voyage of Richard Ferris to Bristol, 1590; Broadsides of speeches, etc. to General Monck, 1660; Look on me tondon, by Richard Johnson, 1613; Sword anc buckler, by William Basse, 1602; A good speed to Virginia, by Robert Gray, 1609; Copies of loveletters, 1580; The pleasant walkes of Moore—fields, by Bichard Johnson, 1607; Verses by Clinton,Ptirser and Arnold to their countrymen, 1583.

    Card ID: 16

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    O ICoc’ COLLIER (John Payne). Illustrations of old English literature, etc. LContinued. J ‘101. 2. Pancharis, by Hugh Holland, 1603; Horestes, an Interlude, by John Pikeryng, 1567; The Preservation of’ Henry VII, 1599; Reformation of rebellion, 1598, and Shore’s wife, 1593; Seven Deadly Sins of London, by Thomas Dekker, 1606; Loves Court of Conscience, by Humfrey Crouch, 1637; William Longbeard, by Thomas Lodge, 1593; The Triumph of Truth, by Thomas Proctor, 1585. Ls NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 18

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    Author: COLLIER (-John Payxe)


    COLLIER (-John Payxe). Illustrations of old English literature , LQontinued.] Vol.3. The Mirror of Modesty, by Robert Greene, 1584; The Life and Death of Gamaliel liatsey, 1605; Ceyx and Alcione, by W.Hubbard, 1569; An Apology [for) nglands Joy, by Richard Vennar, 1611*; The History of Plasidas, by John Partridge, 1566; The Anatomy of Absurdity, by Thomas Nash, 1589; A Royal arbor of loyal Poesie, by Thomas Lordan, 1664; Instructions for the Lord Mayor of London, by Thomas Norton, 1573.

    Card ID: 19

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    Author: COLLIER (John Payne)


    COLLIER (John Payne). Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, eta, London, 1841. See ]1OTDOIT. [III. 1iZisoe11neous Intitutioue,Sooieties, oto.] Sbake’ieare ooiety. [Pub1ioatioNo. U

    Card ID: 21