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COLLIER Jeremy a:c !ct|k:c(’c) (9)



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    Author: COLLIER (Jeremy)


    COLLIER (Jeremy) , Nonjuror. An.Essay upon gaming,. in dlahigue between Gallimachus and Dolomedes...1713, Edinburgh1 privately printed, 1885. See GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden). Collectanea Adamanta, 8.

    Card ID: 564

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    Author: COLLIER (Jeremy)


    ‘i’X_ ( COLLIER (Jeremy), the Nonjuror. A Second defence of the Short view of the pihaneness and immorality of the English stage, &c.: being a reply to a book eritituled, The ancient and modern stages surveyed [by J.Drakej, pp. 142. 8°. London, 1700.

    Card ID: 567

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    Author: COLLIER (Jeremy)


    ‘ i COLLIER (Jeremy), the Nonjuror. A Short view of the inimorality and profaneness of the English stage, together with the sense of antiouity upon this argutent. pp. (16) + 288. [D.-L.L.) 0 8 Londoz, 1698. —The third edition. pp. (16) + 288. [D.—L.L.) 0 8 . London 1698. [Another copy.) çj... L.— [SEE NEXT CARD. J 1%

    Card ID: 568

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    Author: COLLIER (Jeremy)


    COLLIER (Jeremy), the Nonjuror. A Short view of the immorality and profaneness of the English stage, etc. [Continued.] [Another edition.] A short view of the immorality and profaneness of the English stage, &c. With the several defences àf the same in answer to Mr. Congreve, Dr. Drake, . pp. 437. 8 . London, 1738. A reissue of the fifth edition.

    Card ID: 569

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    Author: COLLIER (Jeremy)


    STEFI’G URA1V C] - I697 r7C! ‘Y’‘ - - COLLIER (Jeremy), the Non juror. - [A Shox view of the Immorality.. .of- the English Stage.— Append1x See CONGREVE (i.liam). Amendments of tr. Col1ie’rs false and imperfect citations, -&c•. from the Old batchelour, Double dealer, Love for love, Mourning bride. By the author of those plays. London, 1698.

    Card ID: 571

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    Author: COLLIER (Jeremy)


    COLLIER (Jeremy), the Nonjuror: [A Sortviev of the imrnora1ity..of the Eng1sh tage.—Apedix] See PRAETON. Phaeton. [By C. Giidon.]...With some reflections on a book [by Jeremy Collier] call’d, A short vier; of the immorality...of the English Stage. London, 1698.

    Card ID: 573

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    Author: COLLIER (Jeremy)


    COLLIER (Jeremy), the Ngn.äuor. [A Short view of’ the immorality...of the nglisb stage- ppenx1 See STAGE. The Stage condemn’d...The argunients of’ all the authors that have writ in defence of the stage, against Mr. Collier, consider’d, [ByG. Ridpath.] London, 1698.

    Card ID: 574

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    Author: COLLIER (Jeremy)


    B ir&> COLLIER (Jeremy), the Tionjuror. See AURELIUS ANTONIUS (Marcus), called The Philosopher, Emperor of Rome. The Emperour Marcus Antoninus, his conversation with himself...also the Emperour’s life written by Monsieur liacier.. .ranslated.. .by J. Collier, etc. London, 1726.

    Card ID: 575

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    Author: COLLIER (Jeremy)


    STERLING LIBRARY REFERENCE OLV IhI1L1 COLLIER (Jeremy), the Nonjuror. See AURELIUS ANTONINI3S (Marcus), called the Philosopher, Eeror o Rome. [Meditations.— En1ish.) Marcus Aurelius. (The twelve books ot the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.) [A revised version of Jeremy Collier’s translation.] London, 1909.

    Card ID: 577