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COLERIDGE Henry Nelson a:i samuel|k:i (samuel) (4)
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COLERIDGE, Henry Nelson
Author: COLERIDGE (Henry Nelson)
COLERIDGE (Henry Nelson). See COLERIDGE (Samuel T.) [Aids to Refleetion. Aids to reflection...(Sixth edition enlarged.) Edited by JE[.N.Coleridge. London, i8÷8. -
Card ID: 482
COLERIDGE (Henry Nelson). See COLERIDGE (S. T.) [Confessions of an inquiring Spirit.) Confessions of an inquiring sjirit... Edited from the author’s MS. by H.N.Coleridge. Fourth edition. London, 1863.
Card ID: 483
t) w] COLERIDGE (Henry Nelson). See COLERIDGE Saiauel P.) tConipilations from Coleridge’s MS Notes, Lectures and Conversations.] Specimens of the table talk of S.P. Coleridge. [The edLtor’s pre1ace signed: R.N.C., i.e. Henry Nelson Coleridge. J London, 1835. - Second edition. London, 1836.
Card ID: 484
COLERIDGE (Henry Nelson). COLERIDGE (Samuel T.) [The Friend.J The Friend: a series of essays to aid in the formation of fixed principles in politics, morals, and religion, with literary amusements interspersed.. .The fourth edition, with the author’s last corrections and an appendix, and with a synoptical table of the eontents of the work, by H.N. Coleridge. IpndQn, I 8e-’+.
Card ID: 489