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COLE John Peter a:on peter|k:is (peter) (3)
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COLE, John Peter
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Author: COLE (John Peter)
folio 53 KTJU Col COLE (John Peter) and MMK (Paul K.) Peru) 191.O_20W: performance and prospects. 2 vols. Mbl., mes and tables. Nottingiam, 1978. The pagination is continuous.
Card ID: 260
Author: No Author available
folio 53 KUti Col MATHER (Paul M.) See COLE (John Peter) and. M?CPHER (Paul M.) Peru, 194.O_2OOO: performance and prospects. Nottingham, 1978.
Card ID: 347
OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON SOCIAL AD!CNISTPATION. Occasional papers on social administration. tContinued.J K( c 12. JONES (Kathleen), Ph.D. The Tenohing of social studies in British universities. 1964. 15. CUILINGWORTh (John B.) English housing trends: a c..a. report on the Rowntree Trust Housing Study. 1965. 14. TOVNSSND (Peter B.) and COLE, afterwards WEDDERBL.TRN &e F (Dorothy E.) The Aged in the welfare state. 19C5. levi 15. GREGORY (Peter). Polluted homes. 1965. HI(P i.) 16. GREVE (John). Private landlords in England. 1965. [ss NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 352