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COIOMBO Cristoforo (1)



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    Author: COIOMBO (Cristoforo)


    E4 fCo(i1Jfri COIOMBO (Cristoforo). [Appendix.) Cbristopher Coluiabus. His on Book of Privileges, 1502. Photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the A1’cbives of the Foreign Office in Earis, now for the first time published, with ezçpanded text, translation into En1i&n and an historical introd.uction. The transliteration and translati on by GJ ,Brrjok. . . The introduction by H.Hsrrjsse. The whole compiled and edited with preface by B.F.Stevens., pp. lxvi. + 284. Plate8. fol. London, 1893.

    Card ID: 382