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COCKER Edward a:j e|k:on (e) (3)
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COCKER, Edward
Author: COCKER (Edward)
Li Slyy’_c v•-’ COCKER (Edward). (J Cockers arithzuetick, being a plain and familiar method suitable to the meanest capacity for the full understanding of that incomparable art...Coniposed by Edward Cocker...Perused and published by John the authors correct copy, etc. pp. (12) + 334. Portrait. [D.—L.L.J 120. For T.Passinger and T.Lacy: London, 16.73. The first edition of this work. De Morgan. in his T1Arithmetical booksll says that he had seen an edition of 1677 in a bookseller’s catalogue, but no cp has been traced. He was of the opinion that John Hawkins was the real author of- the book.
Card ID: 183
!ri Li ‘b COCKER (Edward). [1. Cocker’s ecimal arithmetick, wherein is shewed the nature and use of decimal fractions...together with tables of interestand rebate for the valuation of leases and annuities...Whereunto is c1ded his Artificial arithmetick, shewing the genesis or fabrick of the logarithmes... also his Algebraical arithmetick, containing the doctrine of composing and resolving an equation...according to the method used by 3. Kerseyin his incomparable treatise of algebra...Perused, corrected and J. Hawkins. pp. (8) .i. 436 [or rather, 448]. Dags. [De 11.] 8°. London, 1685. [Another coy,] [See next card..]
Card ID: 189
COCKER (Edward). The Young cleric’s tutor enLarged...[The preface signed J. L i.e. J. Hawkins] To which is annexed, several of the best copies, both couit and chancery-hand, nextant. By E. Cocker...The eighth edition. Londoi, 1675. R.1J.
Card ID: 193