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COBBET John to (john) (2)



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    Author: COBBET (John)


    COBBET (John), Minister of Bonyl., Dumbarton. See LAUDXANS. Ladensivm . The Canter— bvrlans self—conviction...With a postscript to the Personat Jesüite Lysiniachus Nicanor [J. Corbet), a prime Canterburian. (By R. Baillie.] (Edinbur?j printed, 1640.

    Card ID: 265

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    Author: COBBET (Thomas)


    33 NJAK ! Cob COBBET (Thomas). The Civil ngistrates power in ntters of reli.. ion nx)destly debated, impartial]r stated. according to the bnds and grounds of scripture. . .together with a brief answer to a certain slanderous pamphlet cailed “Ill news from NewEngland. ..“ by John Clark of Road-tiand, P1ysician. [A reprint of the edition of l63.) (esearch Library_of Colonial Americana.) pp.1180.,i Bibi. New York, 1972.

    Card ID: 330