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COATES Ken (3)



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    Author: COATES (Ken)


    MXKU Coa COATES (Ken). Czehos1ovakia & soeialism. CEdited by KCoatesj Contributors include: E.Nandel, M.Markovic, B.Russell, L.Daly, O.Sik, J.Berger. pp.224. Nottingham, 1969.

    Card ID: 238

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    Author: COATES (Ken)


    UW3e - Coa COATES (Ken). Democracy in the mines: some documents ot the controversy on mines nationalisation up to the time o the Sankey Comnission. Selected & edited by Ken Coates, with a chapter introduction by Andrew Gottshalk. (Documents in Socialist HiDtory, 2.) pp. 2.31. Nottingham, 19Th-.

    Card ID: 239

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    Author: COATES (Ken)


    OHS mt COATES (Ken). IlENATIONAL WAR CRIMF TRIBUNAL. Prevent the crime of silence: reports from the sesoions of the International War Crimes Tribna1 founded by Bertrand Russell, London, Stoo1ho]rn, Roskilä.e • Selected and edited by Peter Linçieco and Peter Weiss, with additional material selected end edited by Ken Coates, and a foreword by Noam Chomsky. London, 1971.

    Card ID: 240