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CLOUGH, Arthur Hugh
Author: CLOUGH (Arthur Hugh)
Cir / (• CLOUGH (Arthur Hugh). The Poems and prose remains of Arthur Hugh Clough. With a selection from his letters, and a memoir. Edited by his wife [Blanche dough], etc. 2 vole. Portrait. 80 London, 1869.
Card ID: 556
Y’ r± CLOUGH (Arthur Hugh). tLetters.) The Correspondence of Arthur Hugh Clough. Edited by F.L.Mulhauser. 2 vols. 8°. Oxford.., 1957.
Card ID: 558
CLOUGH (Arthur Hugh). [The Bothie of Toper—na— Fuosich.—Appendix. See HUTH (Alfred). Uber A.H. Clough’s The Bothie of Tober— na—Vuolich: em Beitrag zur englisehen Literaturgesehiohte: des 19 Jahr— hunderts. Leiz±g, 1911.
Card ID: 563
1 CLOUGH (Arthur Hugh). MAISON (Margaret IL.) Poetic melancholy: a study of Alfred Tennyson, Matthew Arnold and Arthur Hugh dough. 1952.
Card ID: 575
YN C5 a Vey CLOUGH (Arthur Hugh). VEYRIRAS (Paul). Arthur Hugh dough, 1819-1861. [Thesis University of Paris.) 8. Paris, 1961i..
Card ID: 581