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CLERY Jean Baptiste Cant a:de jean baptiste|k:on (jean de) (2)
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CLERY, Jean Baptiste Cant
CLERY, Jean baptiste Cant
Author: CLERY (Jean Baptiste Cant)
HANET—CLERY (Jean Baptiste Cant). La Famille royale au Temple: journal de la captvit par Cl4ry...Introduction et notes de M.Vitrae et A.Galopin. (Mode’n— Collection aistorique eiAnc..tiia.) pp. 142. EQL ii1i.ia.r.r±tions, facsimiles and [s.n.J 8°. LrI, [1908). urid in vpurne lcttered: L Falle_roale au Temple.. Sous la Terreur1 etc.
Card ID: 13
Author: CLERY (Jean baptiste Cant)
HANET-CLERY (Jean Baptiste Cant). A.Journal of occurrences at the Temple, during the confinement of Louis XVI., King of France...Translated from the original manuscript by R.C.Dallas. pp. (4) + 255 + (3). Plates and facsimile, 8°. London, 179g.
Card ID: 14