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Author: CLEAVER (Robert)
CLEAVER (Robert). BIBLE. Proverbs. Selections. [English.] A Plaine and familiar exposition of the fiiteenth, sixteenth and seuenteenth chapters of the Prouerbs of Saioion. [The dedicatory epistle signed: I. Dod, ii. Cleauer. Vith the text.] London, 1611.
Card ID: 205
CLEAVER (Robert). BIBLE. Proverbs. Selections. [g1ish.J A Plaine an familiar exposition of the eighteenth, nineteenth arid twentieth chapters of the Prouerbs of Salomon. By I. Dod and R. Cleaver. [with the text.] London, i6ii.
Card ID: 206
CLEAVER (Robert). See BIBLE. Proverbs. Selections. [English.] A Plaine and familiar exposition of the ninth and tenth chapters of the Prouerbs of Salornon. [The dedicatory epistle signed: I. Dod, R. Cleaver. With the text.] London, 1612.
Card ID: 207
CLEAVER (Robert). See BIBLE. Proverbs. Selections. [English,] A Plaine and familiar exposition of the eleuenth and twelfth chapters of the Prouerbs of Salomon. [The dedicatory epistle signed: I. Dod, R. Cleaver. With the text.] London, 1612.
Card ID: 208
CLEAVER (Robert). BIBLE. Proverbs; Selections. {Englsh.] A Plaine and familiar exposition of the first and second chapters of the Prouerbes of Salomon. y B. Clever. [With the text.] London, 1614.
Card ID: 209
CLEAVER (Robert). See BIBLE. Proverbs. Selections. [English.] A Plaine and familiar exposition of the thIrteenth and fourteenth chapter [sic] of the Prouerbs of Salomon. [The dedicatory ppistle signed I. Dod, B. Cleauer. With the text.] London, 1615.
Card ID: 210