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CLAYTON Robert a:on robert|k:an (robert) (12)



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    Author: CLAYTON (Robert)


    Porteus Library’ I CLAYTON (Robert), successively Bishop of Killala and Aehonry, of Cork arid oss and Clogher. Some thoughts on self—love.. .occasioned by reading Mr. mime’s works, ç. (Ey R. Clayton.] [London, 1753.] HtThAE (David), thjsjoria. (Appendix.]

    Card ID: 158

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    Author: CLAYTON (Robert)


    Porte1s T4brary 29 CLAYTON (Robert), successively Bishoo of i1la1a and Achor, of Cork and Ross and of Clogher. A Dissertation on prophecy, wherein the coherence and connexion of the prophecies in both the Old and New Testament are fully considered, pp. 164. 8°. Iondon, 1759.

    Card ID: 154

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    Author: CLAYTON (Robert)


    Portes Libra31 CLAYTON (Robert), successively ishp of ICillala and ry and of Clg. [An Essay on Spirit. — Ajpendix.j A Plain and proper answer to this question, Why does not the Bishop of Clogher, supposing him to be the author.f the Essay on Spirit, resign his preferiments?..By a friend to the Established Church tfrederick Toll]. pp. 59. o . London, 1753.

    Card ID: 155

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    Author: CLAYTON (Robert)


    ortetzs Library 31 CLAYTON (Robert), successive1 Bishop ofKillala and Achoy and of Clogher. - The Bishop of Clogher’s speeeh, made in the House of Lords in Ireland, for omitting the Nicene and Athanasiin Creeds out of the liturgy... The second edition. pp. 31. 8°. Lridon, 1758.

    Card ID: 157

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    Author: CLAYTON (Robert)


    Portcu Library 8 CLAYTON (Robert), successively Bishop of Ulii&ax1 Achonry, of Qork.snd Ross and Clogher. A Vindication of the histories of the Old and New Testaaient...[Parts 1—111.1 A new edition, 3 parts in 1 vol. 8°. Dub1 printed, London reprinted, 1753—58. The first part only iS ‘a neil edition’.

    Card ID: 159

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    Author: CLAYTON (Robert)


    CLAYTON (Robert), successively Bishop of Killa].a and AchonryL of Cork, and. Rosa, and of Clogher. A Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and back again in company with some missionaries de propaganda fide at Grand Cairo. Translated from a manuscript written by the Prefetto [of the Pranciscans] of Egypt, by...R.Cleyton, etc. PINKERTON (i.) A General collection of...voyages, etc. Vol. 10, pp. 386—405. London, 1808-14. ,/

    Card ID: 156

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    Author: FREYHAN (Robert)


    YL FREYHAN (Robert). See ?AMPER (Frnoes B.) and LUCAS (Caroline). Twelfth century paintIngs at Hardhem & Clayton, etc. (Iconogrephicel notes by Dr R.F’Fyhen.) Lewes, 1947.

    Card ID: 131

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    Author: STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour)


    STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour). [Appendix.] Hc HA!VIILTON (Clayton). On the trail of Stevenson...The pictures from drawings by W.Hale. New York, 1916.

    Card ID: 464

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    Author: CECIL (Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne)


    r DPOSFf CECIL (Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne), 1st Viscount Cecil of Cheiwood and CLAYTON (H.J) Our national church. pp. vi. + 236. Table. 16°. London and çork, 1913.

    Card ID: 382

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    Author: No Author available


    Porteus Library 31 ANSWER. A Plain and proper answer to this question, Why does not the Bishop of logher...resign his preferments?...By a friend to the Established Church [Frederick Toll].. London, 1753. CLAYTON (Robert), successively Bishop of Killala and Achón,y nd of Clogher. [An Essay on Spirit. — Appendix.]

    Card ID: 457

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    Author: TOLL (Frederick)


    Lorteus Library 31 TOLL (Frederick). A .Pin and proper answer to this question, Why does not the Bishop of Clogher...resign his preferrnents?...By a friend to the Established Church [Frederick Tolli. 1753. CLAYTON (Robert), successively Bishoc o Killala and Achonry and of C1ohr. [An Essay on Spirit. — Appendix.)

    Card ID: 262

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    Author: No Author available


    CLAYTO1i (Robert), successively o_Kijala and of Co_ and C1Qgj. see MAiN1)RELL (ilenry). A J-ourney from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, A.D. 1696...Also a journal from Grand CaZro to Mount Sinai and back again, translated from a rnanuscript written by the Prefetto 1°f the Franciscans) of Egypt by R. Clayton. xburgh, 18i2.

    Card ID: 160