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CLAY, John
CLAY, John William
CLAY, John Wjln
Author: CLAY (John)
i1v-&j ‘ZLi BAiCLAY (John), Poet, Author of the ‘tArgerds”. Iohn Barclay his Argenis, translated ovt of Latine into English. The Sir R. Le Grys, and the verses by T. May. With a clauis annexed, etc. pp. (8) + 489 [or rather, 499]. [D.—L.L.j 4. Printed by F. !Cyngston for H. Meighen and H. Seile: London, 1629. The pagination, _irregu1ar. - a ccoc or [Another copy. I
Card ID: 163
Author: CLAY (John William)
CLAY (John William). § DUiHAM. Surtees Societr. [Publications.J -i., etc. Testainenta Eboracensia, etc. (Vol.6 edited by j.w.cTh.) London and Durham, 1836-1902.
Card ID: 63
CLAY (John William). See DURHAM. Surtees Society. [Publications.] ii6, 121. North country wills...1383 (to 1604). [Edited by J. ‘1. Clay.] Durham, 1908—12.
Card ID: 64
Author: CLAY (John Wjl11n)
CLAY (John Wjl11n) See LONDON. [IXI. Misoellaneous Institutions Sooietiee, etc.) Earle ian Society. Pub licat ions. Ordinar3. J 37, 38. 394Fwniiia minoum gentiurn... Edited by J,W Clay. Londp, 1894—6.
Card ID: 67