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CLAY Charles Travis a:an charles|k:0040 (4)
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CLAY, Charles Travis
CLAY, Sir Charles Travis
Author: CLAY (Charles Travis)
6S M”-’ ‘(or CLAY (Charles Travis). I 1 A Catalogue of the publications àf-the Record Series, 1885—1946. With an introductory chapter on its history. Compiled by-C.T.Clay. [Leeds printed], 1948. HUDDERSFIELD afterwards LEEDS. Yorkshire Archaeological, and To,pogra,phical Association afterwards Yorkshire Archaeolo,gicai Society .1Record Series. Vol. 113.1
Card ID: 25
Author: CLAY (Sir Charles Travis)
63 I4S6 Yor Beference only CLAY (Sir Charles Travis). Early Yorkshire families. Edited by Sir Charles Clay, with illustrative dDcuments edited by Diaza E. Greenwsy. Wakefield printed, 1973. See HUDD!SFIEID, afterwards IEDS. Yorkshire krchaeo1ocal Society. !Record Series3 135 3
Card ID: 26
CLAY (Sir Charles Travis). HUDDERSFIELD, afterwards LEEDS. Yorkshire Archaeologjcl Society. 1Eecor Series.] Extra series. 9. Early Yorkshire charters. Vol.XI. The Percy fee. Based on the manuscripts of the late William Farrer and edited by Sir C.T.Clay. [Wakefield printed], 1963.
Card ID: 36
• (or CLAY (Sir Charles Travis). See HtJDDERSFIELD, afterwards LEEDS. Yorkshire ArchaeologiceJ. Society. [Record Series.] Extra series. 10. Early Yorkshire charters. Vol.XII. The Tison • Based on the manuscripts of the late William Farrer and edited by Sir C.T,Clay. 8°. [Wakefield printed)1 1965.
Card ID: 37