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CLARKE Charles a:it john|k:be (john) (4)
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CLARKE, Charles
CLARKE, Desmond John
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Author: CLARKE (Charles)
CLARKE (Charles), F.S.A. Some conjectures relative to a very antient piece of money lately found at Elt,ham in Kent. • .To which are added, some remarks on a dissertation Eby John Kenned.y]...on Oriuna the supposed. wife of Carausius, etc. pp. 36. [L.I.] 8. London, t71.
Card ID: 310
Author: CLARKE (Desmond John)
UA3e Var CLARKE (Desmond John). See V.ARLE’f (Charles). The Unfortunate husbandman: an account of the life and travels of a rca]. farmer in Ireland, Scotland, England and Anierica. [Originally prefixed to The bdern Farmers Guide, issued anonymously In 1768.1 By C.Varley or Varlo, with a preface of his life and. times by D Clarke. 80. J..ondon, 1961i.
Card ID: 338
Author: No Author available
33 Reference Cupboard (p.c.i) oisow (Charles). pleistocene man: letters from Charles Olson to John Clarke IurIng October, 1965. (A Curriculum for the Stu5y of the Soul, 1.) pp. 20. Bibi. Buffalo, N.Y., 1968.
Card ID: 8
4 LONDON. Clarke Hall Fellowship. CJ.axce Hall Lectures. [Continued.] QO 15. JOYCE (Cyril A.) Education and delinquency. 1955. V v( 16. WOLFENDE! (Sir John F.) The Changing world and its effect on adolescent behaviour. 1956. v(P.c.I 17. IcARsn (Henry J.) Youth and industrial society. 1957. 13 18. DUNCOMBE (Charles WS.), Earl of Feversham. Ba3ic human needs in a sôienti1ic age. 1958. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 277