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CLARKE Charles a:clarke john, |k:to (john) (7)
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CLARKE, Charles
CLARKE, Arthur Charles
CLARKE, Charles Cowden
CLARKE, Charles Cowaen
CLARKE, Charles Philip Stewart
Author: CLARKE (Charles)
CLARKE (Charles), F.S.A. Some conjectures relative to a very antient piece of money lately found at Elt,ham in Kent. • .To which are added, some remarks on a dissertation Eby John Kenned.y]...on Oriuna the supposed. wife of Carausius, etc. pp. 36. [L.I.] 8. London, t71.
Card ID: 310
Author: CLARKE (Arthur Charles)
YR C537G CLARKE (Arthur Charles). The View fran Sereridip. pp.x,273. London,
Card ID: 273
Author: CLARKE (Charles Cowden)
-‘-‘— — I CLARKE (Charles Cowden). Shakespeare-characters2 chiefly those subor— dinate. pp. viii. + 521. rtrait. 0 London and Edinburgh. Th63.
Card ID: 314
Author: CLARKE (Charles Cowaen)
CLARKE (Charles Cowaen). See ALTICI( (RichrdD.) The Cowden Clarkes. Lnii, 1948.
Card ID: 315
CLARKE (Charles Cowden). See SHAiESPEARE (‘1’) [Works. Casel1ês illust.rated Stiakespeare. The plays oi Shakespeare. Edited and annotated by Charles and Ma.ry Cowden Clarke, etc. London, [1864—68].
Card ID: 318
Author: CLARKE (Charles Philip Stewart)
CLARKE (Charles Philip Stewart). Short history of the Christian church fromthe earliest times to the present day...With....maps. (New edition.) pp. Xii. +542. V 8 . London, 1959.
Card ID: 326
Psaq CLARKE (Charles Philip Stewart). * The Via media: being a. vindication of the faith and order of the Church of England... With a preface- by the Lord Bishop of Winchester. pp. xii. + 192. 8° London and New York, 1937. . a.
Card ID: 327