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CLARK Kenneth McKenzie a:in john|k:in (john) (2)
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CLARK, Kenneth McKenzie
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Author: CLARK (Kenneth McKenzie)
fyi-jo BOT Referice only CLARK (Kenneth McKenzie), Baron Clark. See FILIPEPI (Alessanciro), called BaflICELU, The Drawings by Sandro Botticelli for Dante’s Divine comeciy, after the originals in the Berlin museums and the Vatican. [Introduction by] (Kenneth Clark). [Excerpts from Dante’s Divine ccedy transiated by John Ciardi • Comnentaries by George Rthinson. I London, 1976.
Card ID: 116
Author: No Author available
GLASGOW. University of G1ai. T4Cargifl Memorial Lectures in Fine Art. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.J (‘-c .i) 1. HONi14AN (Tom John). Patronage and prejudice. 1968. \‘L( c-c 2. CLARK (Kenneth McKenzie), Baron Clark. Blake and visionary art. 1973. \/E(1C.I) 3. WrrTKOwEn (Rudolf). The Sculptor’s workshop: tradition and theory from theRenaissance to the present. 1974.
Card ID: 459