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CLARK John Maurice a:is maurice|k:on (maurice) (2)
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CLARK, John Maurice
Author: CLARK (John Maurice)
CLARK (John Maurice) rortoRY ‘• Strategic factors in an introduction by Economic Changes. National Bureau of pp. xv. + (1) + 238. business cycles. . .With the Cotmiittee on Recent (Publications of the Economic esearoh. No. 24.) 8°. New York, 1935.
Card ID: 71
CLARK (John Maurice). Studies in the economics of overhead costs. ‘(Sixi] impression.) pp. xiii. + 502. Charts and tables. 8°. Chicago, —(leyenth impression.) pp. xiii. + 502. CIG Charts and tables. 8°. Chicagp, 1957.
Card ID: 72