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CLAPHAM Sir Alfred William a:in alfred|k:an (alfred) (3)
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CLAPHAM, Sir Alfred William
CLAPJJAN, Sir Alfred William
AN, Sir Alfred William
Author: CLAPHAM (Sir Alfred William)
VBeK Cia CLAPHAM (Sir Alfred William). English romanesque architecture after the Conquest. (Reprinted.) pp. xvi, 180. Plates, diagra. and plans. Oxford, 1964. (Reprinted.) pp. xvi, i80. Plates, diagrs. and plans. Oxford, 1969. Part 2 of ‘English romanesque architecture’.
Card ID: 91
Author: CLAPJJAN (Sir Alfred William)
63 Periodicals [Archaeological] CLAPJJAN (Sir Alfred William). Memorial volume to Sir Alfred Clapham. [With a bibliography of his writings.] London, 1952. (Supplement to Vol. 106. of the Archaeological Journal. )
Card ID: 92
Author: AN (Sir Alfred William)
P9i Bee CIAPI{AN (Sir Alfred William). Seee EElEIGH ABY. BeeleIh Abbey, Essex. Historical portion by B.C. Fciwlcr. Archaelogicál portion by A.W. Clapham and others • With a foreword by Rev. non Galpin. Second edition. london, l94.
Card ID: 94