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CK Adolf (3)



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    Author: CK (Adolf)


    DEPOSITORy SCHftCK (Adolf). Studer rrande det svenska stadsv.sendets uppkomst och 1ldsta utveclcling. Akademisk avhandling sorn med tillstând av hi.imanistiska fakulteten vid Stodkholtas HgskoTh fr vinnande av filosofie doktorsgrad, [With a bibliography.] pp. ocxii. + 472. I1lustrtioas and map. 0 8 . Upsala, 1926. ‘1

    Card ID: 151

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    Author: CK (Adolf 1riedrich)


    )EPOSIToRy SCH&CK (Adolf 1riedrich), count. Historia de la literat,ura y del arte drainatico en Espa2a...traduoida direot,amente del alernán al castellano por E. de !ier. (oiecci6n de Escritores Castellanos. Criticos.) vols. Portrait. 12°. Madrid, 1885—87.

    Card ID: 427

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    Author: CK (Gustav Adolf)


    $CK (Gustav Adolf). Uber die Elemente in der KosmoJ.ogie des Ari5toteles: Untersuchungen zu “De generatione et corruptione” und “De caelo”, [The6is: University of Kiel. With a bibliography.) (Zetemata, 34.) pp. viii. + 164. 8°. Munich, 1964.

    Card ID: 183