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CICO, Marcus Tullius
Author: CICO (Marcus Tullius)
- CICO (Marcus Tullius). [De Legibus. - Latin.] M.TullIi Ciceronis de ].egibus libri tres. Rocensuit, soripturae discrepantia instru.xit, enarravit C.F.FeJ.dhuegeJ.ius. 2 vols. in 1. [G.G.] 8°., 1852—53. 1. Prolegomena et verba scriptoris cum scripturae discrepantia, etc. 2. Cornmentariun, etc.
Card ID: 7
IL cq- P CICO (Marcus Tullius). [De Natura Deorurn. —English Of the nature of the gods. In three books. [Translated) with critical, philosophical and explanatory notes [by T.Francklinj. To which is added an Enquiry into the astronony and anatomy of the antients. pp. 283 + (9). 8°. ondon, 17Ii. From the libraryof John Dyer.
Card ID: 16