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CHUBB, Thomas
Author: CHUBB (Thomas)
CHUBB (Thomas), of the British Museum. A Descriptive catalogue of the printed maps of Glo.ucestershire,. 1577—1911. With biographical notes. Bristol printed, [1913]. GLOUCESTER, County of. Bristol and Gloucestershire ArchoIogica1 Society. Transactions, Vol. 35, Part II.
Card ID: 280
CHUBB (Thomas), of the British MUS. A Descriptive catalogue of the printed maps of Wiltshire from 1576 to the publication of the 25 in. Ordnance Survey, 1885. See DE’IIZES. Wiltshire Archeological and Natural History Soci. The Wiltshire archological and natural history magazine, etc. Vol.37. pp.211-326. DevizeB, 1911.
Card ID: 281
3 Rajtdeterehce Carto—bibliographie8 CHUBB (Thomas), of the British Aluseurn. The Printed maps in the atlases of Great Britain end Ireland: a bibliography, 1579—1870..With an introduation by F.P. Sprent...and biographical notes on the map makers, engravers and. publishers by T. Chubb, assisted. by J.¼’. Skells and H. Beharrefl, Witb...reproduotiona o title pages, etc. pp. xvii. ÷ 479. [U.] 80. London and Edinburgh, L1927.)
Card ID: 284