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CHEYNE Thomas Kelly a:old thomas|k:old (thomas) (3)



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    Author: CHEYNE (Thomas Kelly)


    PO11h CHEYNE (Thomas Kelly). Critica Biblica; or, Critiea.l notes on the text ot the Old Testament writings. Part I. Isaiah& Jerewiah. (Part II. Ezekiel and Minor Prophets.) 2 parts. 8°. London, 1903. Imperfect; wanting Parts 3 and 4. The pagination is continuous throughout the two Parts. -

    Card ID: 318

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    Author: CHEYNE (Thomas Kelly)


    CHEYNE (Thomas Kelly). Jewish religious life after the Exile. (American Lectures on the History of Religions. Third Series, 1897—1393.) pp. xxi. + 270. 0 8 . New York and Londofl, 1898.

    Card ID: 323

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    Author: CHEYNE (Thomas Kelly)


    i’r , PMN CHEYNE (Thomas Kelly). The Origin and. religious contents of the Psalter in the light of Old. Testament oritloism and the history of religions. With an intro&uotion and appendices.. .Leotures preached.. .in the year 1889, etc. (Bampton Lectures.) pp.xxxviii.÷ 517. [1.1.) 80.Jondon, 1891.

    Card ID: 326