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CHEKHOV Anton Paviovich a:p •|k:p (will) (8)
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CHEKHOV, Anton Paviovich
Author: CHEKHOV (Anton Paviovich)
CHEKHOV (Anton Paviovich). Cards under this heading are arranged in the following order: Works. Smaller Collections. Plays T e s Miscellaneous. Letters. Single Works. Appendix, p
Card ID: 2
CHEKHOV (Anton Paviovich). [Plays.- English.J The Cherry orchard, and other plays, etc. [Coatinued.] Contents: The Cherry orchard, Uncle Varaya, The Seaul1, The Bear, The Proposal.
Card ID: 8
‘— :‘ C, _ CHEKHOV (Anton Paviovich). [Smaller Collections.— Miscellaneous. — Russian.) Izbrannuie proizvedeniyaç etc. 3 vols. Portrait. 8°. Moscow, 1962.
Card ID: 12
:s t• CHEKHOV (Anton Paviovich). [Letters.—g1sh.] Letters of Anton Tchehov to hs faiiiy nd friends. Translated from the Russian by C.Garnett. pp. xiii. + 424. Portraits. 8°. London, 1920.
Card ID: 15
CHEKHOV (Anton Paviovich).- [Single Works.j .S The Seagull produced by Stanislavsky. The seagull, by A.Chekhov. Production score for the Moscow Art Theatre, by K.S.Staislavsky. Edited with an introduction by S.D.Balukhaty-. Translated form the Russian by D.Magarshack. (ternatjolTheatre and Cinema.) pp. 292. Portrait, _plate and diagrams. - 8°. London, 1952.
Card ID: 18
CHEKHOV (Anton Paviovich). [Appendix.] CHtJKOVSKY (K.I.), seud. [i.e. N. V. KOJNYEICHUK.] Chekhov the man...Transiated from the Russian by P.Rose. London, [1945].
Card ID: 21
‘tic, ifl CHEKHOV (Anton Paviovich). [Appendix.) . See EEKMAN (Thomas A.) Anton echov, 1660—1960: some essays y various authors, in various languages.) Edited by T.Eekman. 1yden, 1960.
Card ID: 22
XBJQ Ck3a CHEKHOV (Anton Paviovich). [Appendix.) A .P • Chekhov: (1860.-196o. A centennial edition containing some of the best pages from memoirs and essays on Chekhov. Translated from the Russian. Edited by J.Katzer.) pp. 165. Portraits, illustrations and facsimile. 80. I’Sscov, [1960].
Card ID: 23