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CHAPONE Hester a:s j c|k:c(c) (4)
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Author: CHAPONE (Hester)
CHAPONE (Hester). Letters on the improveent of the mind, addressed to a lady. By Mrs Chapone. A Father’s legacy to his daughters. By Dr. Gregory. A Mother’s advice to her absent daughters, with an additional letter on the management and education of infant, children. By Lady Pennington. (Biographical sketches ot Mrs Chapone and Or J. Gregory.) pp. xxi. + () t 240. Frontispiece. c:c.J 12°. London, isi6. With a second1 engraved, title—page. [SEE NEXT CARD.J
Card ID: 495
CHAPONE (Hester). Letters on the improvement of the mind, etc. Contiaued. J I A reprint.1 pp. xiii. + (3) + 240. Frontispiece. LC.C. J 0 1.2 . Loncon, 1821. [Another copy.] [C.C.] [Another copy.] [CC.] 2.
Card ID: 496
CHAPONE (Hester). Letters on the improvement of t,he mind, et,c. pp. (2) + 161 + (3). 12°. London, 1821. With a second, engraved1 title—Qage.
Card ID: 497
CHAPONE (Hester). [Selections £rom the correspondence o Mrs. Chapone.] See JOHNSON (Reginald B.) Bluestocking letters, etc. pp. 167— 202. London, 1926.
Card ID: 499