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CHAMBERS William and Robert a:s william|k:it (william) (4)
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CHAMBERS, William and, Robert
CHAMBERS, William and(Robert
Author: CHAMBERS (William) and (Robert)
CHAMBERS (William) And (Robert), publi,shers. fFor editions of Chambers’s Encyclopaedia:] ENCYCLOPAEDIAS Chambers’s Encyclopaedia, j.
Card ID: 616
a CHAMBERS (William) And (Robert), Publihinp Firm. Chambers’s papers for the people. 12 vols. in 6. Illustrations, maps And tables. 8°. London And Edinburgh, 18?O. A reprint of the 12 volume edtion of i85O51. Each vol. contains 8 parts. 7O rAnother copy of Nos. 4, 21, 29, 47, 49, 82 &2J [G.G.] Bound in a volume lettered: Chambers’s Papers. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 620
t- 1< j -r4 CHAMBERS (William) And (Robert), Pu1he,. Chambers’s Technical dctionary...Edited by C.F.Tvieney anti L.E.C.Hughes. London nd Edinbur1’, 1944. [A reprint.} Ec1inburh And London, 1945. .:Y’ 4... S i’...1. - Revised (third> edition with supplement. (Reprinted.) Edinbur And London, 1961. See TWENEY (C.?.) And HUGHES (Leslie E.O.)
Card ID: 622
Author: CHAMBERS (William) and(Robert)
Science Rapid Reference CHAMBERS (William) And(Robert), publishers. 1iathematica]. tables, fContinued.] — — (New edition.) Chambers’s seven—figure mathematical tabies...With a greatly extended ‘explanation of the tables’ by W.F.Robinson. Edited by AMilne. Edinburgh And idon, 1953. PRYDE (James).
Card ID: 630