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CHAMBERS David a:ck david|k:on (david) (4)
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MEARNS, David Chambers
MEMNS, David chambers
Author: CHAMBERS (David )
im Ck tL- CHAMBERS (David ), Twie of the Court of Sgz. / Histoir.e abbregêe de tous les roys de France, Angleterr.e et..Escosse, mise en.ordre. par forme d’ harmonie, contenant .aussi .vn. brief. .discours de 1’ ancierine. alliance.& inutuel. secours. entre la France .&. i’.Escosse... Plus., l’ 1 his.toire romaine. des Pape.s..& .Etapereurs .y. es.t. adioust4. ...Le tout recueillL,.....aue.c. .la. recerche tant. des. singularitez. plus. .remarquabIes concernant. 1estat d’Escasse, de. .la..s.uccession,.des .femines aux, biens., & gouernement des empires & royaumes. 3 parts in 1 vol. nO o • Chez lean Feurier: fis, 1579. With an additional titiepage to the third part, bearing--the - imprtnt of Michel GadoulIeau of Paris.
Card ID: 508
Author: MEARNS (David Chambers)
j oi(Pc ‘) MEARNS (David Chambers). Herbert Putnam, 1861—1955: a memorial tribute. [By D.C.Mearns. ) Wasjgton. D.C., 1956. WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Library of Corgress.
Card ID: 136
Author: MEMNS (David chambers)
MEMNS (David chambers). See LINCOLN (Abraham), the united States of Anierica. [Smaller Co1ledt.iörs.) The Lincoln papers: (the story of the collection with selections to July 4, i86i). [Byj D.C.Iearns, . iew XcLrK, 1948.
Card ID: 137
DLPOSJTOry MEARNS (David Chambers) and LAi’P (Verner w.) Magna Carta: the Lincoln cathedral copy exhibited in the Library of Congress. Some notes prepared by D.C1Mearns and V. W. Clapp. Washington, 1939. See WASHINGTON (COLUMBTA). Library of Congress.
Card ID: 139