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CHAM Roger a:j john|k:to (john) (1)



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    Author: CHAM (Roger)


    c’jj 3CHAM (Roger). * The cholewaster; or, plaine and perfite way of teaching children to understand, write, and speake the Latin tong, etc. (8) + 68 (67) + (1) leaves. [ fl. J [Q.M.L.] 4°. John Day: £on’on, 171 (1573). LLkTIOI4:— B — T4: ?4 loaves (1)a title; (iflolank; (2)C — (2)6 dedIcatory prctacc to Sir Whites Oecfl b$ the Atathor’s widow, Vargaret Aechea; (g)S_(q)b preface to the reader; (7)5_ (73)6, numbered 1—86, the nork; (74)Sprinterz device and colophon: AT roxrJon./ Printed by Iohn Oaye/ dwelling ouOV Aldorsgate./1579 printed in black letter, 4uotati- 4fl4 references in italic and rosen [SEE N&Xf CARD)

    Card ID: 516