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CELLARIUS Christophorus a:l ‘/i|k:l (‘i) (3)
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CELLARIUS, Christophorus
Author: CELLARIUS (Christophorus)
CELLARIUS (Christophorus), the Elder. Christophori Ceilarii oornpendiuni Antiquitatum !omanarum. Ntmc ex manuecripto libro integrum editwn et athiotationibus illustratum a M.JE.t. Walchio. itio tertia. pp. (i6)÷ 608 ÷(24 [1 • I. :i 8. I{alle, l’774.
Card ID: 12
R4 LO I cL CELLARIUS (Christophorus), the Elder. Geographia antiqua: being a complete set of maps of antient geography..engraved from Cellarius...A new edition. 33 maps. )O, London, 1806. [A reprint.) 33 maps. [GG.] )O. London, 1817.
Card ID: 17
° CELLARIUS (Christophorus), the Elder. Notitia orbis antiqvi, sive Geographia plenior, ab ortu Rerumpublicarum ad Constantinorum tempora orbis terrarum faciem declarans...Alteram hanc editionem annotationibus. • .illustravit et auxit L.I.C.Schwartz, etc. 2 vols. Portrait, plate anc s. [G.GJ 40 ipzi_g, 1731—32.
Card ID: 18