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CECIL Richard a:cecil richard|k:0163 (5)
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CECIL, Richard
CECIL, hugh Richard Heatbcote Gascoyne
CECIL, Hugh Richard Heathcote Gascoyne
PBIME, Cecil Thomas and DEACOCK, Richard John
RIW, Richard Bruce ard WALKER, John Cecil
Author: CECIL (Richard)
CECIL (Richard). LOANE (Marcus L.) Oxford and the Evangelical succession: [biographical studies of Richard Cecil, etc.j London, 1950 [1951].
Card ID: 412
Author: CECIL (hugh Richard Heatbcote Gascoyne)
CECIL (hugh Richard Heatbcote Gascoyne), Baron Q,uickswood Liberty and authority. [An address to the Associated Societies of the University of Edinburgh.) pp. 69. 8° London [Ediriburgh printed], 1910.
Card ID: 405
Author: CECIL (Hugh Richard Heathcote Gascoyne)
-‘I - IS CECIL (Hugh Richard Heathcote Gascoyne), pwo Natural instinct the basis of social institutions etc. — London, 1926. See O)FORD. Barnett Barnett House papers. 9
Card ID: 407
Author: PBIME (Cecil Thomas) and DEACOCK (Richard John)
DEPOiTOR PBIME (Cecil Thomas) and DEACOCK (Richard John). How to identify trees and shrubs from loaves or twigs in summer or winter...With... drawings.. .by A.I.Deacock. (Second edition.) [With & bibliography.] pp. 39. 8°. Caiubrid, 1958.
Card ID: 541
Author: RIW (Richard Bruce) ard WALKER (John Cecil)
RIW (Richard Bruce) ard WALKER (John Cecil) &igland under lizabeth, 1558 — 1603. Illustrated from conteiniorary sources. [With bibliograyhies.J (University of London Intermediate ource—ooks of iistory. No.8,) p, xxv. 0 8 . London, 19326