
Search Term (count):

CAYLEY George John a:as john|k:to (john) (2)



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    Author: CAYLEY (George John)


    DEPQs1TQa CAYLEY (George John). The Bridle roads of Spain; or, las Alforjas... With an introduction by M. Hun2e and recollections of the author by Lady Ritchie and Mrs. Cobden Sickert. (Third edition.) p. 397. Portrait and facsImile titlepage. 8°. London, 1908.

    Card ID: 237

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    Author: No Author available


    P 1?. LC’fi. - 2. f RODG SON (John Edmund). g LONDON. (III. Miscellaneous Institutions, societies, etc.] Newcomen Society for the Study of the History of gineeri and Technology. Extra publications. 3. Aeronautical and misceilaneous notebook of Sir George Cayley, fl. [Edited, with an introuôtion,by J.E.Hodgson.] Cambridgg, 1933.

    Card ID: 424