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CATO Marcius Porcius a:e william|k:on (e) (2)
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CATO, Marcius Porcius
Author: CATO (Marcius Porcius)
CCiL CcJ CATO (Marcius Porcius), the enso. [Supposititious Works. — Disticha de Moribus. — Polyglot.) Disticha moralia, nomine Catonis inscripta,-cum. Gallica interpretatione, &, vbi opus fuit, f deciaratione Latina. Hc editlo prter prcedtes non soluin rectem authoris Maturini Corderij recognition, sed & Grcaui 1aximi Planud interoretationem & distichoru imilcern habet. Dicta sapientü septern Graci ad fine adiecta, curn sua quoque interpretatiuncula. pp. 140 + (4). [Qal.L.) 80. Oliva Rob.Stehami: GenevaJ, 1561. ISEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 26
Rtc ‘‘H th CATO (Marcius Porcius), e Censor. [Supposititious Works. — Disticha de Morjbus. — Latin and Enpljsh.] Parvus Cato. Magnus Cato. Translated by Benet Burgh. Printed at Westminster by William Caxton about the year 1477. [Facsimile of the copy in the Library of the University of Cambridge.] pp. (72). 8°. Cambridge, 1906. One of 250 copies printed.
Card ID: 34