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CASWALL Alfred a:in alfred|k:an (alfred) (2)



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    Author: CASWALL (Alfred)


    CASWALL (Alfred). A Letter to Pdward Lytton Bulwer...on the present crisis, in answer to his letter to a late Csbinet M.inister...To which is added the address from Sir Robert Pee]. to his constituents. Second edition. PP. 38. 8°. London, 1835. Bound in a volume lettered_: England, History, Pampidets, 1.

    Card ID: 228

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    Author: No Author available


    PEEL (ght Hon. Sir Robert), 2nd Bart. [An AddreB8 to the electors of the borough of Tamworth, 28 June, 1834.) See CASWALL (Alfred). A Letter to Edward Lytton Buiwer, etc. pp. 30—3& London, 1835. -

    Card ID: 282