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CARTER Harry Graham a:s manuel|k:an (manuel) (5)
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CARTER, Harry Graham
SIMON, Herbert and CARTER, Harry Graham
Author: CARTER (Harry Graham)
15: (z i Jc’c CARTER (Harry Graham). Vlolvercote 1i11: a study in paper—making at Oxford. (Oxford Bibi raph&J Soc jty. New Series. Extra-PubIicat.) pp. xi + 79. Portrai•piates.-ilitrations, map and V - 8°. OxfQ4, 1957. SC COI1PLiThZ C.n.9Lc14c (Second edition,) pp. ix, 81. Platea, illus. and Oxford, 1974.
Card ID: 77
bEFcwsiToav CARTER (Harry Graham). * FOURNIER (p. S.) Fournier on typefounding: the text of the Manuel t’ypographique, 1764.4766, translated into English and edited with notes by H.Carter. Lndon, 1930.
Card ID: 80
Cc_252 CARTER (Harry Graham). See FUGG1!R (Wolfgang). Wolffgang Fugger’s handwriting manual, entitled A practical and well—grounded formulary for divera fair hands...1553. Now translated by F.Plaat. With a fore’vord by H.Carter. London, .196O.
Card ID: 81
CARTER (Harry Graham). SIMON (H.) and C1JTEfl ( Printing explained: an elementary practica handbook for schoOls and amateurs, eicester, 1931. (2nd impression). ‘2 (‘I1’i Licezt, 1945.
Card ID: 83
Author: SIMON (Herbert) and CARTER (Harry Graham)
SIMON (Herbert) and CARTER (Harry Graham). Printing explained: an elementary prctical• handbook for schools and aniateurs...Iilustrated by G.M. Freebairn. (Foreword. By F. Meyneil.) [Vith a bibliography.) pp. viii. + + (3). 8°. Lioester, 1951. 2 -- (2nd impression ). pp. (4) + 140. r’ti’ 80. ieste, 1945.
Card ID: 175