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CARPENTER Thomas carpenter (thomas) (6)
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LEOD, Walter
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Author: CARPENTER (Thomas)
R CARPENTER (Thomas), Master of the Academy, Barking. The Scholar’s spelling assistant, wherein the words are:arranged on an improved plaxi... intended for the use of’ schools ana private tuition...A new edition, corrected. pp. 132. 12°. London, 1826. - [Another edition.] The Scholar’s spelling assistant...A new edition, corrected. pp. 132. 12°. London, 18h0. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 467
Author: LEOD (Walter)
‘ M’LEOD (Walter). CARPENTER (Thomas), Liaster of th Acade, Barki. The Scholar’s spelling assistant... A new edition, (Edited by W.M’Lead.) Londo, i87.
Card ID: 311
Author: No Author available
UNION ACAD21IUE IiTRNATIOW%LE. Corpus vasorum antiquorwu, etc. ‘j(i’.L 7_.) —-—-—Summary guide...Compiled by Thomas fl. Carpenter. Oxford, 1984.
Card ID: 265
S... ST UAT (Frank Carpenter). See BU3TON (j Thomas F.), 1st Bart. A Critical edition of the correspondence of Sir Thomas Powell Buxton, Bart., with an account of his career to 1823. By P.C. Stuart. 1957.
Card ID: 474
R JONES, (Thomas. Rupert). LONDON. [ill. Misceflaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Ray Society. [Publications 32. CARPENTER (w.a.) Introduction to the study of the Foraminifera. By W.3.Carpenter, assisted by %V.K.Parker and T.R. Jones. London, 1862.
Card ID: 517
63 MWNL6 His Reference only LONDON. [hi.] Historical Association. Bristol Branch. Local history panphlets. [Continued.] 6 Thomas Chatterton.[BB.Cottle. 1963. 7. Bristol and the slave trade. [By) C.MJ4aehnnes. 1963. 8. The tea.cishi Great Western: the first Atlantic liner. [ByJ Grahame Parr. 1963. 9. Mary Carpenter of Bristol. [By) Ruby J.Saywell. 1964. 10. The Chartists in Bristol. [By] John Cannon. 1964. 11. The Steamship Great Britain. LByJ Grahame Parr. 1965. 12. Ferdinando Gorges and New England. [By] C.M.Macinnes. I 965. 13. The Port of Bristol in the Middle Ages. [By] J.W.Sherborne. 1965. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 394