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CARPENTER Edward Frederick a:t arthur frederick|k:t (arthur) (4)
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CARPENTER, Edward Frederick
HART, Arthur Tindal and CARPENTER, Edward Frederick
Author: CARPENTER (Edward Frederick)
PS7 F533Y 958 CARPENTER (Edward Frederick). See FISHER (Geoffrey Francis), Baron Fisher of Lambeth, Archbishop of Canterbury. The Archbishop speaka addresses and speeches... Selected by Edward Carpenter. London, 1958.
Card ID: 381
HcLc CARPENTER (Edward Frederick). HART (Arthur T.) and. CARPENTER . The rineteenth century country parson, etc. Shrebury, i 954.
Card ID: 382
p\f7 CARPENTER (Edward Frederick) See MAURICE (John Frederick Deison). Theological essays.. . Introduction by E.F.Carpenter. London, 1957.
Card ID: 384
Author: HART (Arthur Tindal) and CARPENTER (Edward Frederick)
HART (Arthur Tindal) and CARPENTER (Edward Frederick). The Nineteenth century country parson, circa 1832—1900. [with a bib1iography pp. xxix. +201, Poriraits and Uate. 8°. Shrewsb, 1954.
Card ID: 150