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CAREWE Sir Nicholas a:an nicholas|k:on (nicholas) (5)
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CAREWE, Sir Nicholas
CAREW, Sir Nicholas
No Author available
IT, Robert Jean
Author: CAREWE (Sir Nicholas)
CAREWE (Sir Nicholas).. CAiE (Sir Nicholas).
Card ID: 531
Author: CAREW (Sir Nicholas)
CAREW (Sir Nicholas). See LONDON [III.] Roxburghe Club. [Publications.] 225. The Voyage of Sir Nicholas Carewe to the Emperor Charles V in the year 1529, etc. Cambridge printed, 1959.
Card ID: 512
Author: No Author available
LONDON. Roxburghe Club. 1’ Catalogue of the books presented to and printed by the Club [1814—1959). See infra: [Publications.] 225. The Voyage of Sir Nicholas Carewe, etc. Cambridge printed, 1959.
Card ID: 553
Author: IT (Robert Jean)
KNEC}IT (Robert Jean). See LONDON [III.] Roxburhe Club. [Publications. 225. The Voyage of Sir Nicholas Carewe to the Emperor Charles V in the year 1529. [By Thomas Wall.] Edited [from the British !useum Egerton 1J.3315] with introduction and note3 by R.J. Kneeht. Canbridge printed, 1959.
Card ID: 480
Q- ‘j _Q. .j; i (i LONDON. Roxburghe Club. [Publications.j 225. The Voyage of Sir Nicholas Carewe to the Emperor Charles V in the year 1529. [By Thomas Wall.) Edited [from British Museum Egerton MS.3315j with introduction and notes by iLJ. Kneoht. [With a bibliography and a list of the publications of the Roxburghe Club, 1814—1959.] pp. x. ÷ 116 + xxxviii. Portrait, facsimiles and map. fol. Cambridge printed, 1959.
Card ID: 749