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CAREW, George
Author: CAREW (George)
CAREW (George), Earl oPotnes. Calendar of the Carew Manuaoripts...Edited. by J. S. Brewer and W. Bullen. London, 1867—73. See ENGLAND. Departments of tate and Official Bodies. Public Record Office1 +G&’indar-s —S-ta-t -—Pae’e---e4e-] [Caev—-aor-o.-]-
Card ID: 504
fMYBJ Cr CAREW (George), Earl of Totnes. Pacata ilibernia; or, a History of the Wars in Ireland during the reign of Qjeen Elizabeth. Taken froro the original ohronicles. tcompiled by G.Carew, Earl of Totnes. Edited by Sir T.Stafford.]...First published in London, 1633. 2 vols. Frontispiece and iaps. 8°. Dublin, 1810.
Card ID: 507
/ CAREW (George), Ear1 of A Relation of the state of France, etc. B]RCH (.), D.D. An Historical view of the negooiations between the courts of England., France and Brussels frorn...l92 to 1617, London, 1749.
Card ID: 509
XPL E67 96k CAREW (George), Earl of Totnes. See ERCILLA Y ZUifIGA (Alonso dc). [La Araucana. - glish.J The Historic of Araucana, written in verse by DDn Alonso d.c Era lila, translated out of the spanishe into Englishe v’° ailmost to the ende of the i6; Canto. Lambeth Palace Library, 113.688). Transcribed with introduction [in which the translation is ascribed to George Carey] and. notes by F .Pierce. 80. Manchester, 196k.
Card ID: 511