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CANT Ronald Gordon a:cant ronald gordon|k:is (gordon) (3)
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CANT, Ronald Gordon
Author: CANT (Ronald Gordon)
PREcC —j CANT (Ronald Gordon). The St. Andrews University theses, 1579—1747: a bibliographical introduction. See EDINBURGH. Edinburgh Bibllogrphica1 Society. Edinburgh Bibliographical Society Transactions. Vol. 2, part 2. pp, 105—150. Edinburgh, 1941.
Card ID: 10
CANT (Ronald Gordon). • The University of St. Andrews: a short history. pp.xii. + 156. Illustrations and plans. 8°. Edinbur and London, 19Li6.
Card ID: 12
JSetr3 - Can CANT (Ronald Gordon). The University of St. Andrews: a short history...New and revised edition. (St. Andrews UniversitL Publications, 59.) pp. 164. Tiates, i11us and plan. Edinburgh and London, 1970.
Card ID: 13